Monday, 8 October 2012

Blog-lag: What happened next

Three and a half years ago, Dagley and I returned from 50 weeks of backpacking around the globe.

When I got back, I tried to finish off the weblog that I'd been writing on the way round. After a valiant effort, I realised I was going to have to find a 'job', and the world of great writing fell victim to my search for money.

It's now October in 2012. We've been back for well over three years.

Helen and I are living in Turnpike Lane in North London.

Writing-wise, I started scribbling about other random shit, then had a bit of a prolonged break, then I got a brain tumour.

The tumour business is ongoing, but fingers crossed there won't be much more to write about it (in a good way, not in a deathwatch way).

So, to keep a promise to myself, I'm going to finish this blog.

Bearing in mind my only notes are scrawled down in a little red A5 notepad in the handwriting of a five-year-old (not literally, I didn't get a kid to write them for me, you sick fuck) and I've also had a large part of my right temporal lobe removed, it may be a bit holey.

But I haven't forgotten one thing: it was the best year of my life so far, so it deserves to be sworn about.

To be cuntinued...

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